[email protected]    Near Chirhula Temple Sidhi Road Rewa (M.P.)

Rules & Regulations

  • A pupil must have 75% attendance to be eligible for promotion. In case of continuous absence for more than a week at a time, a valid medical certificate form competent doctors must be produced along with a leave application form parents/guardians.
  • Continued absence for 15 consecutive days without pre-intimation to school will result in the child’s name being struck off the rolls parents/guardians.
  • Jewellery and costly ornaments ate not to be worn/brought by the students. The school takes no responsibility for the safety of such articles. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones, camera etc. inside the school campus. The small children should bring non-tick eatables in their Tiffin boxes.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave the school premises during school hours. However under emergent’s circumstances, permission may be granted by the Director/Principal only.
  • The students diary and note books must be checked by the patents every day and action should be taken thereof.
  • No pupil will be permitted to appear at the Annual Examination rubles all the dues are cleared by him/ her. Parents/Students will be held responsible for non- compliance of the instruction.
  • Parents Teachers Meeting will be hold after every test/examination on the date & timing giving in the school calendar. Parents are requested and advised to attend such meetings. The answer papers & the report cards kept in the individual folders of the students will be made available to parents on the meeting days.
  • Parents/guardians are advised to meet the teachers and if required Headmistress, Principal & Director also on meeting days and discuss about the achievements of their children. The exchange of suggestions will be a welcome move in the larger interest of the pupils & the instruction.
  • Students are to play for any damage to school property whether intentional or accidental.
  • Parents are requested to be vigilant about personal cleanliness and hygiene of their children at home and before they proceed to school every day.
  • Parents are expected to maintain close liaison with the school to ascertain regularity, punctuality, conduce and academic progress of their wards & meet the concerned officials for suitable action.
  • For any queries, Director/Principal/Headmistress may be consulted forthwith.

Promotion Through Evaluation

In order to ensure stress free promotion, the school follows the newly introduced continuous comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system upto class X. the achievements of a child in scholastic & co-scholastic areas are reflected in meaningful grades fully endorsed with defined indicators. The school incorporates the formative and summative system of evaluation conforming the guidelines issued by the competent authorities form time to time. It is also ensured that evaluation of a child is made in social and personal attributes also.

School Teatrm & Vacation

The academic session of the school commences on 1st April and ends on 31st March of the following year. The holidays & vacation are observes according to the CBSE /Central Govt. rules. It is religiously ensued that the teaching periods are hold without any deviation from the CBSE norms during the session.

Parents Visits & Telephone Calls


The school does not encourage frequents during the teaching hours. However under emergent situation, the meeting is permissible with the prior approval of the Director/Principal in the school visitors room only. Any other person except the parents is not permitted to meet the students without a written request of the parents and approval of the competent school authorities. The children are not allowed to entertain telephone call. However the message is passed on to the concerned student and if required the telephone facility is made available to him/her for action.

Recent Activities

Shravan Kumari School

Shravan Kumari School Rewa


Years of Experience


Qualified Teachers


Happy Children


Total Activities